
The being known as Kazgoroth is thought to be several millennia old, those of a more sagely bent speculate that he may even be as old as the Moonshae Isles themselves. Twice he has ravaged the island chain, bringing death and destruction to its humanoid inhabitants, twice he has been beaten and supposedly dealt with once and for all.

Whispers are gathering in the shadows of the islands, Kazgoroth the Ravager, Kazgoroth the Devourer, Kazgoroth the Beast has returned once more.


Kazgoroth can be considered one of the Children of the Earthmother (although the Fidouyr and the ffolk would steadfastly deny something so evil could be born from their benevolent goddess), for he was “birthed” from a Moonwell just like the rest.

The first documented appearance of Kazgoroth is around -2000 DR when he appeared on the Moonshae Isles as the Ravager and launched a prolonged assault against the llewyrr, before he was defeated by an alliance of elves, dwarves, halflings, norl and firbolg, led by the enigmatic LeShay.

Despite the teachings of the druids of the Fidouyr, the Children and the Earthmother are not benevolent beings that seek to aid the humanoids in preserving the Balance. The Earthmother is the Moonshae Isles, and the Children are her response to creatures inhabiting and despoiling her surface. Each of the Children is created in response to a new threat; Leviathan was created as a counter to the batrachi, Kamerynn as a foil to the llewyrr, Amarok the wolf to destroy the halflings.

Kazgoroth’s first appearance coincides roughly with the arrival of the first humans (norl sailors arriving on the Korinn Archipelago), but his semi reptilian nature hints that his purpose was to counter creatures like the sarrukh who have seemingly never had a presence on the Moonshae Isles. The reason for Kazgoroth’s lack of purpose is due to an event far back in the history of Toril that formed the Moonshae Isles and altered the history and future of the planet forevermore

The Sundering was a great ritual cast by the greatest gathering of elven High Mages in the history of Toril. High Mages from Shalarion and other great elven settlements that no longer (and now never existed) worked magic to create a homeland for the elves. In so doing they tore the super continent of Faerun asunder and cast half of it out across the Trackless Sea (scattering islands along the way and creating the Moonshae Isles).

Great empires and entire races were felled by the Sundering (which stretched backwards and forwards in the time stream), eradicating them before they even existed. The sarrukh nation of Alssherkamill vanished and so Kazgoroth was left unborn, deformed by the ritual, and without purpose.

Kazgoroth was driven insane by the great magics wrought by humans and now his entire existence is dedicated to destroying them, first on the Moonshae Isles and then everywhere else, in a futile attempt to undo the Sundering.

How or why Kazgoroth was released prior to -2000 DR is unknown, but as soon as he was free Kazgoroth set about gathering an army to himself. As the Ravager, Kazgoroth was able to imbue his power into other creatures with a touch, these victims could not control the hatred and pain Kazgoroth bestowed upon them and so became raging beasts mutated by this power. The majority of beings he chose to gift with this power were the firbolg giants (who seemed less able to resist) and so he created a new race of servants – the ffomorean.

With his ffomorean armies Kazgoroth attempted to annihilate the humanoid races, especially the llewyrr. The humanoids banded together and fought back, forcing him to the Isle of Oman where High Lady Ordalf and the LeShay trapped him in a web of ley lines and blanketed the entire Moonshae Isles with magic to weaken him.

Kazgoroth spent two millennia imprisoned on the Isle of Oman before the collapse of the Weave and the weakening of his prison. When next someone (foolish humans) arrived on his island, he used them to escape and set about building an army once more.

This time Kazgoroth had been trapped in the body of a tiny defenceless lizard that soon grew as his power grew. This spiny, scaled, monstrosity was known as the Devourer, and although he could no longer gift rage with his touch, he was no less dangerous.

Exerting his influence over the savage firbolg descendants of his ffomorean slaves, Kazgoroth captured the greatest runesmith of the age; Khagen Dhuum. He forced the runesmith to create an artefact that would allow him to animate the fallen and turn them against the living. With these drathak hordes he once more launched his assault against the humanoid realms.

Callidyrr, Highhome, and Synnoria were the largest nations at the time and all came under relentless attack. As more fell in battle, the drathak hordes grew. It took a chance meeting between Princess Allisynn of Synnoria and King Cymrych Hugh of Callidyrr to forge an alliance born of love. Together the couple united elves and men and rescued the beleaguered dwarves before taking the fight to Kazgoroth and forcing him to retreat across the islands until finally he sought out the White Well, the greatest Moonwell in all the islands.

At the White Well, the Moonlight Dancers appeared armed with magical instruments of ancient fey power designed to weaken Kazgoroth. Cymrych Hugh strode into battle wielding his sword and a great battle was fought, but Kazgoroth was too strong even for the magic of the llewyrr to overcome. Ultimately Queen Allisynn sacrificed herself, suffering a mortal wound in order to open Kazgoroth’s defences and allow Cymrych Hugh to strike the killing blow, the day was won and Kazgoroth was slain.

Kazgoroth’s body sank into the waters of the White Well and his heart polluted it (it was thereafter renamed the Darkwell). His severed horn was recovered by Flamsterd and taken to Caer Callidyrr for safe keeping. Atop the water floated a layer of filth that would become known as the Skin of Kazgoroth. The artefact used to create his drathak horde; the Cauldron of Dhuum, contained a piece of his soul. Thus some of Kazgoroth survived and the stage was set for his return.

The Devourer

Kazgoroth the Devourer was the second incarnation of this monster. He began as a small lizard like creature (a form he was trapped in by the magic of the LeShay) and gradually grew in size as his prison; and the magic that powered it, diminished until he stood nearly 20 ft tall.

Kazgoroth the Devourer was slain in 201 DR at the end of a conflict known as the War of Moon and Shadow, his horn was severed and his body dissolved into the waters of the White Well (now known as the Darkwell), however, that was not the end for the Devourer.

The evil of Kazgoroth could not be so easily defeated, and over the millennia since his death, the savage firbolg that once served him were repeatedly compelled to congregate around the Darkwell, feeding it bodies (both living and dead), some of which were re-animated by the lingering power of Kazgoroth, others whose essence went to feed the Darkwell.

Such notables as Anhaern Rhyllgallohyr and High King Tanner Hugh, along with thousands of others were thrown into the corrupted Moonwell. by 1330 DR, the Great Druid Brianna Moonsinger of the Ring of Gwynneth could sense the rising power of Kazgoroth the Devourer within the Darkwell, she set off to battle the beast within the Fens of the Fallon.

Brianna was attacked by the savage firbolg, who had reclaimed the Fens of the Fallon as one of their strongholds. Her power also went to feed the Darkwell and was sufficient enough to allow Kazgoroth the Devourer to return, although as a shadow of his former self.

Since 1330 DR, Kazgoroth the Devourer has been waiting within the Moonwell, resting until he is strong enough to launch his war against the humanoids of the Moonshae Isles once more.

The Heart of Kazgoroth

When Kazgoroth was slain during the War of Moon and Shadow, his body dissolved into the waters of the White Well, leaving only his still beating heart which sank to the bottom and hid amid the silty filth that now covered the well’s floor.

As the repository of most of Kazgoroth’s power, it continued to pollute the Darkwell (the new name of the White Well) over several centuries, causing it to expand the corruption to form the Fens of the Fallon. During that time it exerted an instinctive pull upon the savage firbolgs around Gwynneth, causing them to attempt to occupy the Fens and feed the Heart.

Then in 1331 DR, the Great Druid Brianna Moonsinger attempted to cleanse the corruption from the Darkwell once and for all. She was ambushed by firbolg and the Heart of Kazgoroth was used to replace her own, allowing Kazgoroth the Devourer to be reborn. He has laired in the Darkwell ever since, gathering strength and awaiting his chance for revenge.

The Horn of Kazgoroth

The Horn of Kazgoroth always held special powers. It was manifest in both the Ravager and Devourer forms, and as Kazgoroth the Ravager, if his horn were to pierce flesh (and the victim survive), the victim would receive the Gift of Kazgoroth (otherwise known as the Touch of Kazgoroth) and become a rampaging beast enslaved to the will of the Ravager.

Kazgoroth lost much of his powers when he was transformed into the Devourer (although he lost none of his cunning and intellect), his horn could no longer be used to bestow the Gift of Kazgoroth upon surviving victims (although his blood fulfilled a similar purpose), but it remained a formidable weapon, able to rend flesh and armour with ease.

When Kazgoroth was slain in 201 DR, his horn was severed by the Sword of Cymrych Hugh. Flamsterd recognised the fell power of the horn and took it back to Caer Callidyrr, where it remained in the secret vaults beneath the castle for many years. 

It is unknown how it escaped the vaults of Caer Callidyrr, some suspect it was stolen during 944 DR when chaos engulfed the Kingdom of Callidyrr, however, there are tales of great norl Jarl and Konungr who fought great battles and carved out large territories for themselves while wearing helms, armour, or shields with a large horn (Tangred the Gnarled of Gnarhelm is but one example).

The horn appears to compel the wearer towards great acts of violence and may also be cursed, for most wearers suffer horrific deaths in battle. The last reported sighting was of a norl raider and his ship around 1300 DR who foolishly engaged 3 Nelanther pirate vessels and was slain. No reports of a horn bearing pirate have appeared among the Nelanther, so it can be surmised that the item was sold on.

The Horn of Kazgoroth currently reside in the back of a dusty shop on the Isle of Snowdown, bought and sold on the black market until it ended in an old curio shop in the settlement of Westphal. The aged shopkeep perished soon afterwards and the premises are currently changing hands to new owners.

The Skin of Kazgoroth

In his reptilian form as the Devourer, Kazgoroth grew to immense size, like many reptilians he shed his skin many times over during this period of growth. During the final battle of 201 DR, Kazgoroth was slain by the Sword of Cymrych Hugh and his body dissolved into the waters of the White Well, leaving a filthy slime atop it.

After the King, the Moonlight Dancers, and the wizard Flamsterd departed the Darkwell, the corrupted Moonwell began to dry and the slime covering it formed a skin, a semi-sentient skin, that slithered away into the forest.

The skin is a parasitic creature and requires a host to survive (slowly feeding off that host until it perishes or is completely transformed), it has lived among the forests and swamps of Gwynneth, transforming innocent creatures and humans into hideously deformed reptilian hybrids (and servants of Kazgoroth).

Many of these servants of the skin went on to lead tribes of savage firbolg, or plagued the humans, elves, and dwarves of Gwynneth in other hideous ways (as rampaging monsters, or cruel murderers).

Eventually the Skin of Kazgoroth made its way to Flamsterd Isle, and here it spread the evils of greed and ambition among the apprentices of Flamsterd. Eventually the apprentices openly warred among themselves for possession of the skin, and all were punished by Flamsterd who transformed his apprentices into harmless, small animals, and sunk his island beneath the sea to continue his studies in solitude.

One apprentice; Belistar, had secretly won the possession of the Skin of Kazgoroth from his rivals, and used its powers to transform himself back into his human form and fled the Isle of Flamsterd. Belistar now wanders the other Moonshae Isles, particularly Gwynneth and Alaron, using the powers of the Skin of Kazgoroth to augment his own magical abilities, hoping to gain a position among the Council Sorcere of Callidyrr.

The Soul of Kazgoroth

When Khagen Dhuum finished making the Cauldron of Doom, he trapped within it a piece of Kazgoroth’s soul (originally intending to trap all of Kazgoroth, but vastly underestimating the power of this ancient beast). Kazgoroth willing severed part of his essence and left it within the cauldron to power this mighty artefact.

The Soul of Kazgoroth reanimated thousands of corpses as golem like automatons under the control of the Devourer until Kazgoroth was slain in 201 DR. The Cauldron of Dhuum was carried from the last battlefield by firbolg servants of Kazgoroth, who returned to their homes in the Black Mountains where it provided ample (if corrupt) sustenance for very large tribes.

At some point norl raiders arrived in the Moonshae Isles and attacked firbolg as well as ffolk. They stole away the Cauldron of Doom, and in return for a sacrifice of souls it provided meat and mead for the norl during a series of harsh winters.

It was during the wars of High King Gwylloch against the norl invaders, that the ffolk recovered the Cauldron of Doom. Returning to Caer Callidyrr with his prize, the High King and his court were slowly driven mad by the evil of Kazgoroth’s soul within the cauldron. High King Gwylloch ignored the advice of Flamsterd, became paranoid about his subject’s intentions and began a reign of cruelty and terror.

Ultimately the Mad High King moved the capital of the High Kingdom to Gwynneth and his new castle which would soon be known as the Castle of Skulls (for it was covered with the skulls of his victims). One fateful night in 299 DR (the Winter Solstice), the Castle of Skulls, the High King, his entire court, and the Cauldron of Doom vanished into another realm as mists descended upon the castle.

The Cauldron of Doom should have remained lost forever, except that the castle returned to Gwynneth during the Winter Solstice when the moon was full. In 1108 DR a coven of witches; known as the Witches of Wynder’s Moor, ventured into the castle of skulls on just such a night and recovered the Cauldron of Doom.

Working great and evil magics the witches (who knew Kazgoroth’s truename and thus could access all the powers of the cauldron), used the Cauldron of Doom to create a horde of drathak once more, and plunged the Kingdom of Corwell into a period of darkness and peril known as the Witch Winters.

Ultimately the witches attempted to free Kazgoroth, and turned on one another to possess his power. Kazgoroth’s soul chose the youngest witch; Amye, and was free once more.

The Soul of Kazgoroth would have been dangerous enough in possession of the body and abilities of a powerful witch, but an attempt to use a corrupted Moonwell as a Fey Crossroads to travel to the Feywild at the same time as someone attempting to cross over to the Material Plane, resulted in Kazgoroth/Amye merging with a member of the secretive assassins known as the Darkmoon.

Now possessed of all the shapechanging abilities of a member of the Darkmoon Pack, as well as the magical abilities of Amye the witch, and the intellect and cunning of Kazgoroth, Kazgoroth’s soul is attempting to manipulate the other remaining pieces of Kazgoroth into launching a multiple pronged assault against the humanoids of the Moonshae Isles, while he/she pursues his ultimate goal of corrupting all the remaining Moonwells, escaping the prison of the LeShay, and hopefully slaying High Lady Ordalf in the process.


Over his long existence, Kazgoroth has made many homes for himself, the most well known of which is the corrupted Moonwell in the midst of the Fens of the Fallon, known as the Darkwell. Prior to his death in the Darkwell, Kazgoroth has had several strongholds of power from which to strike out at his enemies, and after his death in 201 DR he established many more lairs as his being was separated into many pieces.

The Darkwell: The centre of Kazgoroth’s power lies in the place of his death, and formerly one of the greatest Moonwells in the Moonshae Isles. This large well is almost 100 ft in diameter, and at its centre is deeper than a man (its precise depth since the corruption of the Moonwell is unknown, as the filth prevents anyone seeing its floor, and the taint of Kazgoroth corrupts those submerged within the waters).

While within the Darkwell Kazgoroth has access to the near limitless powers of the Earthmother, as the Moonwells provide to all who are attuned to them (although Kazgoroth is reluctant to use them as he knows how damaging they are to the Earthmother).

Since 1330 DR, Kazgoroth has reformed from the filth and carcass of his former remains, renewed by the power of Brianna Moonsinger. He remains submerged within the Darkwell, allowing the waters to slowly strengthen and empower him.

Hardang’s Hollow: Hidden somewhere in the mountain range known as Hardang Heights is a long abandoned and forgotten dwarven hold, destroyed long ago in a disastrous war with the firbolg. The hold is a shattered ruin with few surface access points remaining, and most of its treasures long since looted.

Terrible howls and wails echo around the chambers of this hold, and frighten away would be explorers. These wails belong to the spirit of master runesmith Khagen Dhuum; the first drathak made by Kazgoroth, for when Khagen finished his work Kazgoroth slew him and threw his body into the cauldron.

Kazgoroth spent at least 5 years in this hold watching over Khagen while he worked on the Cauldron of Dhuum. This former dwarf hold will undoubtedly be a stronghold of Kazgoroth’s power, and host to many fiendish traps and denizens, keeping it safe for his return.

Darkmoon Warren: After Kazgoroth’s soul was released from the Cauldron of Dhuum, it inhabited a witch known as Amye, until he attempted to use a corrupted Moonwell to travel to the Feywild, and in so doing merged with a member of the Darkmoon Pack attempting to travel in the other direction.

Since that day Kazgoroth has been hiding out in the base of the Darkmoon Pack, a mountain cave complex that the wolf-men are hiding out in while they seek out and assassinate targets on the Material Plane. Kazgoroth has slowly risen in the ranks of the Darkmoon Pack, but none know of his true identity.


Kazgoroth, as one of the oldest beings on Toril and possessed of incredible power, has access to near limitless resources. His death and separation into isolated parts may have diminished that power and his connection to the Earthmother, but he still has the servants and magical items from a hundred lifetimes of men.

Magic Items

Cauldron of Doom: Crafted by the master runesmith Khagen Dhuum, under the watchful eyes of Kazgoroth, this artefact is possessed of fell and benevolent purpose. To most, a sacrifice of living beings will produce a bountiful harvest of meat and mead, enough to feed hundreds of individuals. Those who know the truename of Kazgoroth can use the cauldron to sacrifice living beings and transform them into reanimated corpses known as drathak that obey the user’s every command.

Heart of Kazgoroth: The Heart of Kazgoroth is the greatest concentration of Kazgoroth’s remaining power, but much of it has leeched into the surrounding Fens of the Fallon and corrupted the land and the creatures, turning them into a feral, wild state.

The Heart of Kazgoroth exists only partially on the Material Plane, the majority of its essence is in the Faeree Plane where it also corrupts the land and creatures there. The Heart phases in and out of substance, making it difficult to touch for those not at least partially attuned to the fey, or using cold iron as an intermediary. It can pass through flesh and living material easily and if placed within another living creature it manifests its primary power. It is this insubstantial nature that allowed the Heart to hide in the White Well from the likes of Flamsterd following the War of Moon and Shadow.

When placed within another living creature the Heart quickly imbues them with the powers and desires of Kazgoroth, in essence turning them into Kazgoroth the Devourer. It takes a while for the form of the Devourer to appear, and as a shapeshifter the new Kazgoroth can always resume his original form as desired.

If held by an individual, the Heart of Kazgoroth increases the Strength and Constitution of the individual, while also magnifying their feelings of anger and hatred many times over. The Heart can also be used as a Spellpool, allowing a spellcaster to cast spells without using up his own magical reserves, and even allowing him to cast spells at greater potency than he would normally be able.

Horn of Kazgoroth: The severed horn of Kazgoroth bestows strength in combat upon the holder, but compels them to seek out ever more dangerous battles. Those who dare may attach the horn to their forehead and invoke the secret powers of Kazgoroth, as they battle and slay more opponents they slowly undergo a transformation into the Ravager; the first form of Kazgoroth.

Skin of Kazgoroth: The skin of Kazgoroth was shed from his body as it perished in the Darkwell. It is a symbiotic parasite that grants those who bond with it the ability to change shape and transform other creatures into monsters known as Darkenbeasts, as well as augmenting their spellcasting abilities.


Few would willingly aid Kazgoroth, given his unwavering purpose to destroy all humanoid life on the Moonshae Isles. Despite this, he has managed to turn a number of creatures to his side using magic and his corrupting power. All former servants of Kazgoroth are forever bound to his will, as are their descendants.

In addition to those he has corrupted to his side, Kazgoroth could be considered to count the Children of the Earthmother as his allies, for all work in defence of the Moonshae Isles; despite the preaching of the druids of the Fidouyr, although the goals and actions of the other Children may not necessarily aid or complement the activities of Kazgoroth.

Bansidhe: In a similar manner to those animated by the Cauldron of Doom, those corpses thrown into the Darkwell may be animated by the raw and near limitless power of Kazgoroth (which dissolved into the Moonwell with his death). Those victims; such as Anhaern Rhyllgallohyr and High King Tanner Hugh, rise again in service of Kazgoroth, but with some semblance of free will, and special powers to aid them.

Thankfully Kazgoroth has not been able to exert his will over these beings yet, but when he returns in physical form, he may be able to control any Bansidhe he comes into contact with.

Drathak: The drathak are corpses animated by the power of Kazgoroth, rather like golems animated by the essence of an elemental. They are driven by rage and so do not usually last long (as Kazgoroth’s power consumes their form, leaving on dust behind).

There are relatively few drathak that survived from the War of Moon and Shadow, but the means to create them still exists using the Cauldron of Doom (albeit in lesser numbers and strength, as Kazgoroth’s soul no longer powers this artefact). Those drathak created by the Cauldron of Doom are under the command of the holder of the cauldron, but Kazgoroth may override any command the cauldron holder gives, making him the true master of all drathak.

Fomorians: The survivors of the War of Raging Leaves (when Kazgoroth first stalked the Moonshae isles) were transformed into mutated monsters known as ffomorean to the ffolk. These hideous creatures are fuelled entirely by rage and were largely consumed by their rage or hunted by the dwarves, elves, and LeShay.

Most ffomorean have fled to the Feywild and are in service to Queen Connomae, one of the few of their kind that has retained her mental faculties. Other isolated individuals that remain on the Moonshae Isles hide out in the mountains and other inaccessible regions where they plague nearby humanoids.

Firbolg: Not all firbolg sided with Kazgoroth during the War of Raging Leaves, some remained true to their heritage, but continued their slow descent to barbarism that began when their empire collapsed millennia before.

Some of these remaining firbolg interbred with the powerful surviving ffomorean (willingly or not) and gave rise to a breed of disfigured and savage firbolg that survive almost solely by raiding and devouring other species (unlike their more noble kin who at least attempt to farm and fish).

The savage firbolg are under Kazgoroth’s influence, whether they know it or not, and are drawn towards the Myrloch Vale and the Fens of the Fallon, which they attempt to seize every century (when their numbers are sufficient) and then gather victims to throw into the Darkwell to unwittingly aid the return of their master.


Kazgoroth should count any humanoid as his enemy, yet most belief he is forever destroyed, and those of an evil bent will often seek to exploit creatures like Kazgoroth to their own end.

Should the threat become apparent the dwarves, elves, halflings, humans, and firbolg will eventually all band together to battle this ancient and powerful foe. Kazgoroth’s greatest enemy however are the LeShay; kin of the elves ancestors that seek to survive, hidden in the Moonshae isles, and wary of the threat Kazgoroth poses to that survival.

The LeShay fought and trapped Kazgoroth in the War of Raging Leaves and have remained apart from the Moonshae Isles (hidden in the Feywild) ever since, but should the threat of Kazgoroth become great enough they will return to battle him once more, despite the prophecy foretelling their doom at his hands.


Kazgoroth is greatly weakened in his current state, with his body, horn, skin, and soul separated into isolated pieces, each acting independently of one another. In such circumstances he could relatively easily be located and destroyed until nothing of him remains.

Kazgoroth’s greatest asset however is his secrecy. Almost everyone in existence believes Kazgoroth was finally destroyed in the War of Moon and Shadow in 201 DR, all the history and legends of the ffolk, llewyrr, and dwarves supports that Kazgoroth has gone (a few foretelling his return, but such legends always warn of evil’s return).

Only a handful of individuals actually believe Kazgoroth may return, even fewer have proof or knowledge of any piece of him surviving. These individuals work quietly to guard against his reappearance, but none are aware that he is already alive and active in the Moonshae Isles (in multiple forms), working subtly to weaken the realms of dwarves, elves, and humans.

If Kazgoroth can complete his plans undetected then the norl will be weakened by war, the ffolk will be without any strong leaders, the firbolg and drathak hordes will return and ultimately the humans will foolishly call upon the powers of the Children to aid themin there desperation (not realising the Children will help Kazgoroth to destroy them all). Finally the LeShay will be forced to return and Kazgoroth will finally appear and crush High Lady Ordalf between his teeth, just as was prophesised by Urphania millennia ago.


Type: Magical Beast

Size: Gargantuan (+3 bonus)

Ability Score:

  • Strength – 28 (+9)
  • Dexterity – 12 (+1)
  • Constitution – 21 (+5)
  • Intelligence – 16 (+3)
  • Wisdom – 18 (+4)
  • Charisma – 15 (+2)

Vitality: 113 (18d10+5)


  • Fortitude – +9
  • Reflex – +3
  • Willpower – +4


  • Darkvision – 12 squares


  • Walking – 12 squares / 5 / 1 / 1


  • Bite – 3d10+9
  • Claw x2 – 1d12+9
  • Tail – 1d8+9

Vulnerability: Kazgoroth is vulnerable to Silver, suffering 1.5 x any damage inflicted by a Silver weapon or attack.


  • Awesome Blow [-]: Whenever Kazgoroth performs a critical hit against an opponent with a melee weapon, he may move that opponent 1 square in a straight line away from Kazgoroth (+1 additional square per size bonus).Advancement: Each time this option is selected Kazgoroth may increase the number of squares he may move an opponent by +1 square.
  • Breath Weapon [-]: Kazgoroth may, as Standard Action that provokes Opportunity Actions, breath a line of Fire with an area of 1 square length dealing 1d6 Fire damage. This is a Spell Manoeuvre (Intelligence) against Reflex Defence.Advancement: Each time this option is selected, increase the area length by +1 square, the damage dice by one step, and the Attack check by +1.
  • Damage Resistance [-]: Kazgoroth gains +1 Damage Resistance to one of the following types of damage: Acid, Adamantine, Bludgeoning, Cold, Cold Iron, Electricity, Fire, Piercing, Slashing, Sonic. Advancement: Each time this option is selected Kazgoroth may select a type of damage, increasing the Damage Resistance of this type by +1. Each damage type can be selected multiple times. Damage Resistance for each damage type must be tracked separately.
  • Charm (Sp) [-]: Kazgoroth may perform a Spell Attack Manoeuvre using the Charm spell as a 1st level spell even if he does not otherwise possess a caster level or spell list. He may use this spell like ability a number of times equal to his Intelligence modifier +3. Advancement: Each time this option is selected Kazgoroth increases the number of uses by +1 (see Ability Pool above) and the spell level by +1.
  • Invisibility (Sp) [-]: Kazgoroth may perform a Spell Attack Manoeuvre using the Invisibility spell as a 1st level spell even if he does not otherwise possess a caster level or spell list. He may use this spell like ability a number of times equal to his Intelligence modifier +3. Advancement: Each time this option is selected Kazgoroth increases the number of uses by +1 (see Ability Pool above) and the spell level by +1.
  • Rage (In) [-]: Kazgoroth may enter a Rage as a Standard Action. While in a Rage Kazgoroth gains a +1 bonus to Strength and Constitution scores and suffers a -1 penalty to his Dexterity score. The Rage lasts until the end of the Scene (or earlier, the Rage can be ended as a Complementary Action). He may use this ability a number of times equal to his Constitution modifier +3. Advancement: Each time this option is selected the Kazgoroth increases the number of uses by +1 (see Ability Pool above), the Strength bonus by +1, the Constitution bonus by +1, and the Dexterity penalty by -1.

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